Home Theatre Install Marketing Agency
$300,000 USD
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Business Overview:
- Average Monthly Revenue: $41,750
- Trailing 12 Months Revenue: $501,000
- Trailing 12 Months Net Profit: n/a last 6 months is $85,102.52
- Last Months Revenue: $68,091
- Last Months Net Profit: $21,000
- Average Monthly Net Profit Margin: 30%
- Fixed Operating Costs (Monthly): $6275
- Marketing Methods: Facebook ads, sms blast to our list
- Assets Included:
- Email List Size: 2446
- Future Business Opportunities: Creating an info product on skool to teach people how to start a TV mounting business / scale theirs, revenue share with contractors for their projects
- Supplier Operations and Relationship Description: We work with the agency engineer and they provide us with b2b marketing to get appts
- Owner time required to run business per week: 2 hours
- Employees and people working around the business: 1 GM/Operator, 1 CSM, 1 Closer, 1 Media buyer & 1 fractional tech/automation person
- Delivery time of products: We can get a client launched in 3-7 days with our marketing system
- AOV: $7000
- Chargeback Rate: 2.12%
Contact us via Facebook, Messenger or Email. You can also fill out the contact form to the right and we will reply as soon as we can.
Contact us via Facebook, Messenger or Email. You can also fill out the contact form to the right and we will reply as soon as we can.

Our Sales Process
We keep our listing process short and simple for sellers. Sellers fill out a sheet with simple listing information and answer some questions that buyers ask. Then its backend website access and Google Analytics access so that we can verify the financials, and of course a profit and loss sheet. Once listed our business take on average 3 months to sell.